Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Two Lovers

The critics loved Two Lovers, Joaquin Phoenix’s last role, but I just thought it enhhhhh. (by the way enhhhhh means so-so I guess but kinda boring, I suppose) Phoenix plays Leonard Kraditor, and he’s a great actor for sure. He’s plays an awkward man-child who is forced to live with his protective parents after he has a mental breakdown. Now, Leonard, finds himself entranced by the flakey beautiful neighbor played by Gwyneth Paltrow even as his parents push on him a more suitable Jewish woman, Sandra. The movie gets predictable in parts -- you definitely can see where it is going, but for some it would be worth seeing for the great acting. Not only are Paltrow and Phoenix good but Isabella Rosilini is great as Leonard’s mother and, unknown to me, the Israeli actor Moni Moshonov as his father.

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